Sunday, November 12, 2017

Typewriter Paper by Chronicle Books

Are you a typewriter lover? Do you think that PCS are nice but there is nothing more romantic, beauty and old-fashioned than a typewriter, where your brain can rest, where your thoughts are condensed just in one direction, where lack of organization is banned and where rapidity is healthy and good?
Would you want to return at that old times where the comfort of a typewriter was immense?
Chronicle Books for celebrating these stunning wonderful objects still the favorite instruments of work of many writers, creates a note-takers called Typewriter Paper with the shape of a red typewriter.
You can use this fashionable object for your desktop and for not forgetting anymore anything.
It's a wonderful product.  It seems that you have close to you a real typewriter in miniature with real paper pulling out from the box top. On the paper there is written: From the Desk Of...The paper is resistant, very good, so theoretically it could be used from writing something to someone sending the message via normal mail, or you can use this paper for your to-do list, notes for not forgetting anything anymore, or for writing down your most inspiring thoughts if you are a creative.
Typewriter Paper is trendy, original, strong and it  is waiting for you. It will make the difference on your desktop! Trust me!

I thank Chronicle Books for Typewriter Paper! Wonderful!

Anna Maria Polidori

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