Monday, July 10, 2017

From Junk Food to Joy Food All the Food you Love to Eat...Only Better by Joyce Bauer

It's a succulent and healthy cookbook: From Junk Food to Joy Food All the Food you Love to Eat...Only Better by Joyce Bauer published by Hay House Inc.

You know: American food in particular comfort food is delicious but at the same time so caloric.

Bauer explains that, for staying well, cutting out cholesterol, arthritis, sometimes caused by what we eat or we drink and other nasty illness, maybe it's arrived the time to adjust...calories for good! using the most beloved American comfort food.

So, the hyper-caloric nice comfort food, or just the most common and beloved succulent recipes will become slim ;-) healthy thanks to the wise and attentive new recipes proposed by Bauer.

Joyce will explain to all of us what to do for maintaining or losing weight continuing to eat sometimes these delicious recipes staying at the same time completely healthy.
The book is divided in eight succulent chapters. At some point I thought I could add weight just watching pictures and reading recipes.

Starting with the succulent and hyper-caloric American breakfast, ending with the most creative cocktails and beverages, putting all the rest in the middle of the book, you will discover how you can create the best meal for you and your loved ones cutting out the danger from it.

I love breakfast so let's take an example with something we eat for breakfast:  let's consider the beloved diner pancakes. A joy to eating them. A joy of 750 calories! After a long comment motivating the reason why we introduce 750 calories with pancake, the alternative healthy recipe proposed by Joyce with just 270 calories.

Let's now consider the chicken cacciatore. The recipe counts 550 calories. The one proposed by Bauer just 195.

A common sloppy Joes counts 630 calories. The recipe by Bauer only 295.

Fried zucchini is commonly 885 calories (bloody hell!) the recipes proposed by Bauer just 220 calories.

Chicken Parm Hero counts 1570 calories. No way for Bauer, proposing a recipe with just 320 calories.

Just some little wonderful example for let you discover how the book is structured.
Not only: you will find a table of conversion if you need it, and of course in the introduction all the tools necessary for cooking and baking.

I strongly encourage all of you to buying this joyous but fundamental cookbook in our society where there are always more problems because of food and illness connected to the abuse of industrialized food.

Happy eating to everyone!

I thank NetGalley and Hay House for this beautiful and informative eBook.

Anna Maria Polidori

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